Nationwide Installation Network
We’ve got New Zealand covered
Between Sanders and our installation partners we can provide installation in the following locations:
- Whangarei (up to Kaitaia)
- Auckland
- Hamilton/Waikato
- Bay of Plenty/Taupo/Coromandel
- New Plymouth
- Napier/Hastings
- Manawatu/Wairarapa
- Wellington
- Nelson
- Blenheim
- Christchurch/Ashburton
- Queenstown
- Invercargill
Sanders Premier Installer
Third Party Installer

Whangarei (up to Kaitaia)
AucklandCoromandelHamilton / WaikatoBay of PlentyTaupoNew PlymouthNapier / HastingsManawatu / WairarapaWellingtonBlenheimNelsonQueenstownInvercargillChristchurch / Ashburton

We proudly stand behind all our products and value our reputation highly. Therefore our workmanship is guaranteed for 10 years.
Read on to find out just how far we’ll go to make you smile.
No deposit required, funding over 5 years available.